Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Cleansing Sexuality

Last night when I was attempting to fall asleep I was thinking of a couple friends who are very happily married. I have to admit that it is a rather strange situation, especially since marriage is a hot topic this election year.
On a person's birth certificate more often than not the sex of the infant is either M or F. If this person realizes that they should have been the opposite sex, it's possible for them to go through the difficult surgery to change their gender. Once this process is started, they can change their gender on their legal papers. The thing that fascinates me about this is that if you look at the birth certificates, it would be possible to see that an M is married to an M or a F to a F or if the two are currently M and M or F and F it would be, according to the birth certificates, a heterosexual relationship.
I totally get the whole transgendered thing. It's taken me most of my life to get comfortable living in my own skin, and I'm still working on it. I figure that the people who have the courage to undergo the series of shots and surgeries to make themselves into the person they should have been in the first place have a lot of courage. What I don't get is how in the world did this little fact slip by the people who are against gay marriage? Certainly some of the same people who think that gayness can be cured think that people are born the right sex but they are in some sort of "phase" and that God will "save" them if they just cling to the Christian rhetoric. Aren't these ultra-conservatives letting gay marriage in some form slip through the cracks and in other cases encouraging homosexuality?
Yeah, I'm trying to be sarcastic here, but at the same time, I'm genuinely concerned. How far will the ultra-conservatives go to "cleanse" the nation of all of us non-traditionalists? I can't help but think about the politically correct language movement and what it has done to our society. A show like All in the Family would never make it on the networks today because the language is so colorful. And yet, the show had a lot of truth in it. It showed people for what they are: a mixture of good and bad, wise and foolish, intelligent and dumb. We all share these qualities, but we are no longer allowed to mention it in polite company.
Our language is becoming increasingly sterile, and I suspect the powers that be are trying to cleanse our sexual lives. It is a fear of mine that eventually the sexual cleansing will continue to the point that sexuality will become a sterile thing as well; somehow they will find a way of policing our sexuality. And yet, history has proven time and again that if you restrict people's basic needs, they'll eventually rebel and there will be a revolution of some kind or other. I hope that somehow the average het person will wake up and realize that the desire to control the sexuality of gays and lesbians will eventually have negative side effects on their sex lives as well; before things get more out of control.


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