Meditations I
On this day fifty-two years ago in a small North Carolina town Kim was born. December 28 is a memorial day for me. I reflect on the person I am becoming because I met Kim. I reflect on the irony of how He taught me to live and now I live while He is dead...although I know that death is just a doorway into another life made of some other matter....I find it ironic that as soon as He was certain I had grasped the concept of living, He had to leave to pursue other paths.
I know that I've said a lot about Kim and how He has influenced me...and there are thoughts I can't mention because such thoughts are images and emotions without words that would do them justice. I have a blue candle burning in His memory right of those things I saw in the churches in England that I really don't quite understand why the Mormon Church doesn't do to commemorate those blessed souls who have guided those who are left behind to mourn.
I spent the morning walking on a local labyrinth. For those of you who are interested in an ancient form of active meditation, here's the address: 1550 South 1125 West Salt Lake City. It's free and on the Jordan River parkway. I have my little portable labyrinth, but I needed to be out in the cold and feel life breathing and existing around me. One of the many thoughts I had was how one of the artists responsible for creating this labyrinth is a distant relative of mine; he belongs to the part of the family that I relate to most: the Heath family, my maternal grandmother's family. I still haven't entirely ruled out changing my last name to Heath. I think that it's amazing and wonderful to think how this outdoor area intended for meditation was created by a relative and that I was directed by Kim to quiet my mind and listen to my spiritual impulses. Somehow, it seems circular to me.
One of the books I'm reading is called Astonish Yourself! 101 Experiments in the Philosophy of Everyday Life by Roger-Pol Droit. There are a lot of intriguing exercises that have kept me awake thinking about the immensity of the human mind and the universe in general. In the next post, I'm going to put down a couple of these exercises word for word.
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