Utah Politics
I have had my fill of political commercials and political talk for at least another four years. I'm finding that I have been oversaturated by the insipid commercials for Bush and Kerry, Huntsman and Matheson, and Matheson and Swallow. Hell, Swallow irritates me almost as much as the say yes to Amendment 3 commercials!
I watched the gubernatorial debates on Channel 2 last night and I came to the conclusion that Huntsman and Matheson are equally qualified and they think almost exactly alike. In fact, the only issue they disagreed on was Amendment 3. There was the same old talk that if they were elected, class sizes would be reduced; that's an argument I recall hearing way back in second grade and I'm pretty sure it was the same old talk before I was born. The only thing they said that I thought was worthwhile is they want to get better paying jobs coming into Utah. Once again, I know this is all just a bunch of rhetoric, but for a single white woman without kids who gets paid just enough to scrape by, it sounds really good.
Now I'm going to say a few things that will probably get people I love riled up. As everyone knows, I'm all for gay marriage. I don't know why people are so freaked out about the whole idea of gay marriage, but I know that they are. They are so afraid of giving people equal rights that they are gearing up to pass an amendment for crying out loud. I daresay they'll succeed in getting Amendment 3 passed because there aren't many outside the Salt Lake area who would object to keeping things as they are.
Although I'm not planning on voting for Amendment 3, I say go ahead. Let Amendment 3 pass. If Amendment 3 passes, it will bode well for the GLBT community in the long run, as well as those het couples involved in non-traditional relationships. Let's face it, the ACLU probably has something written up and ready to take to court questioning the constitutionality of Amendment 3. They're just waiting for the votes to be tallied. The court will have no other choice but to side with the ACLU on this matter. There is already precedence in Florida where the same, or a very similar version of our amendment 3 has just been knocked down by the judges. If, for some reason the Utah Supreme Court decides Amendment 3 is perfectly legal, then the ACLU will march right up to the federal level to get Amendment 3 overturned. Not only will Amendment 3 be overturned, but I suspect that the courts will mandate equal rights for same sex couples.
On the off chance Amendment 3 doesn't pass, things will continue as they are; unfortunately, I suspect that there's less of a chance of gays getting equal civil rights if Amendment 3 doesn't pass because the issue will be swept under the rug for at least another four years.
Naturally, since I don't know a whole lot about law and political science, I could be way off in my way of thinking, but I suspect Amendment 3 could be a blessing in disguise for those who vote against it and a curse for those who approve of Amendment 3.