Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Meditations II

The following two excerpts are from Roger-Pol Droit's Astonish Yourself! 101 Experiments in the Philosophy of Everyday Life, translated by Stephen Romer (Penguin Books, 2002).

Hurt yourself briefly
Duration: a few seconds
Props: none
Effect: back-to-earth

You are bored. The play is interminable. The lesson is without interest. Or you’re waiting for a phone call that doesn’t come. Or you don’t know what to do next, and you are in two minds. The world is veiled in a kind of mist. You feel you are becoming inconsistent yourself, as if your substance had begun to lose definition and to spread out vaguely all around you. As if you are becoming increasingly vaporous, milky, and weightless. You no longer know exactly who you are, or where you are. Boredom has started to dissolve you.
Pinch yourself. Hard. Where it really hurts. The inside of your arm, your neck, or your groin. The pain caused must be brief, but intense. Enough to make you utter a cry, which you may well have to smother. To outwit you defense mechanisms, act quickly. Allow yourself no time to anticipate or prepare for the pain. Be sudden. Try to take yourself by surprise, so to speak. Do everything in your power to hide your intentions. The pain must traverse you as though by accident, like a sudden collision. It must descend on you, like a lightning flash in the middle of the torpor of the day.
If you are sufficiently violent, the effect is certain: you recover reality, your body is returned to you, you know where you are, the mist dissipates, you emerge from your boredom, you return to your world.
Just one question remains, which you should ponder: why should the experience of pain return us to reality? Is it a simple reminder? The effect of contrast? Or have we, in the course of our millennia, created such a way of life for ourselves that pain has become the first symptom of the world? A piercing question (p.19-20).

Drink while urinating
Duration: 1-2 minutes
Props: toilet and glass of water
Effect: wide open

For hundreds of thousands of years the vast majority of humans have lived and died without trying the following experiment. It is, however, both extremely straightforward and extremely interesting.
Like everyone else, you urinate. And at other moments you drink. What you do not know is what it feels like to do both at the same time. This experiment will show you.
So, just have a large glass of water at hand. When you begin to urinate, start drinking. As far as possible, you should try to drink the water straight down, without pausing. You will feel quite bizarre sensations almost immediately. The water you evacuate seems to be synchronized with that entering your mouth. You will then visualize, and above all feel, your body to be organized in a way which until then you had never imagined possible. The water you are drinking seems to exit directly from your bladder. In a few seconds you will fell directly wired, from throat to urethra, from stomach to bladder—a physiology that is impossible but that you intuit, directly and unquestionably, to be real.
It has taken no more than a few moments for you to discover this wonderfully simple body, and you feel there can be no other. No more intestine, no kidneys, no filtration time, no waiting. Water pours through you vertically, a cool liquid washes through you in a peculiar and palpable way. Your system seems to have opened inside out, with the water flowing smoothly from inside to outside. It is like—take your pick—the cosmic flux or an automatic washing machine.
This experiment, which can be repeated indefinitely, which costs nothing, and which is likely to procure ever new sensations and surprises, has not hitherto been considered a thermal cure(p.28-29).

Meditations I

On this day fifty-two years ago in a small North Carolina town Kim was born. December 28 is a memorial day for me. I reflect on the person I am becoming because I met Kim. I reflect on the irony of how He taught me to live and now I live while He is dead...although I know that death is just a doorway into another life made of some other matter....I find it ironic that as soon as He was certain I had grasped the concept of living, He had to leave to pursue other paths.

I know that I've said a lot about Kim and how He has influenced me...and there are thoughts I can't mention because such thoughts are images and emotions without words that would do them justice. I have a blue candle burning in His memory right now...one of those things I saw in the churches in England that I really don't quite understand why the Mormon Church doesn't do to commemorate those blessed souls who have guided those who are left behind to mourn.

I spent the morning walking on a local labyrinth. For those of you who are interested in an ancient form of active meditation, here's the address: 1550 South 1125 West Salt Lake City. It's free and on the Jordan River parkway. I have my little portable labyrinth, but I needed to be out in the cold and feel life breathing and existing around me. One of the many thoughts I had was how one of the artists responsible for creating this labyrinth is a distant relative of mine; he belongs to the part of the family that I relate to most: the Heath family, my maternal grandmother's family. I still haven't entirely ruled out changing my last name to Heath. I think that it's amazing and wonderful to think how this outdoor area intended for meditation was created by a relative and that I was directed by Kim to quiet my mind and listen to my spiritual impulses. Somehow, it seems circular to me.

One of the books I'm reading is called Astonish Yourself! 101 Experiments in the Philosophy of Everyday Life by Roger-Pol Droit. There are a lot of intriguing exercises that have kept me awake thinking about the immensity of the human mind and the universe in general. In the next post, I'm going to put down a couple of these exercises word for word.

Friday, December 24, 2004

Merry Christmas!

I know it's cutting it close, but here is this year's kinky Christmas parody! Pass it on to those you love!

By: Laurie R.
Sadist baby, slip some leather under the tree for me
I've been an awful good slave,
Sadist baby, so hurry to the dungeon tonight.
Sadist baby, you can torture me until I'm black and blue.
I'll scream out for you, dear
Sadist baby, so hurry to the dungeon tonight.
Think of all the fun I've missed
Think of all the paddles that I haven't kissed.
Next year I will be oh so good
If you'll beat me on Christmas day
boo doo bee doo!
Sadist honey, I wanna kneel at your feet and
Do your will
I've been a good slave all year
Sadist baby, so hurry to the dungeon tonight!
Sadist cutie, there's one thing I really do need, indeed,
To be used all night long
Sadist cutie, so hurry to the dungeon tonight!
Sadist baby, I'm filling your stocking with some handcuffs and chains
Arrest me anytime
Sadist baby, so hurry to the dungeon tonight!
Come and trim my sexy tits
With some decorated clamps you made for me
I really do need a beating
And I know you want to beat me!
boo doo bee do!
Sadist baby, forgot to mention one little hope, some rope
Tied around me tight
Sadist baby, please hurry to the dungeon tonight!

Monday, December 13, 2004

Things I want to do in the New Year

Here's a list of things I haven't done but I think are worth trying at least once:
*Get single-tailed...I don't know how I've managed not to do something that has been fantasized about for most of my life (at the very least, since I was fourteen!)
*Food play...J. says that once you have tried corn on the cob you'll never go back! So at the top of the list is corn on the cob followed by gingerroot, cinnamon oil, and frozen bananas.
*Police officer take down scene...seriously, I love roughhousing, and what could be better than roughhousing when there's a pair of handcuffs?! IMHO, it's a win-win situation for me!
*Terror Play...I've never done it, but I've always wanted to. The one major caveat is it can not include cockroaches (haha you all thought I'd say feet!). Just thinking about them can put me into a panic attack.
*Intense Humiliation Play...C. and I have tip-toed around this one for a while now...in fact, it wasn't until I got together with him that I even considered this sort of play. The major issues that I wouldn't play with there are comments about my intelligence, weight, or being called a pig...stuff like that has always bothered me because it brings up sceptres of the past. I have lots of those from my childhood, but most of the others aren't as painful...no one can wreak more havoc on a child's self-esteem than a parent.
*Needle Play...sure I've taken a couple needles, but in each case I really didn't want to, hence, I think it created some really nasty energy stuff. Under the right circumstance, I think I'd be able to enjoy it. Along the same lines....
*Medical/Interrogation Scene... Sounds like fun to use needles as a form of coercion. Sure it happened when I was a kid, but it didn't scar me for life like other things...it's actually rather hot when I think about it!
*Kidnapping scene... Ohhh yeah...kidnapping is a good thing. Kim "kidnapped" me, but I knew He was going to do it because We met for just such a purpose! I would love to be kidnapped unexpectedly and tortured for a weekend. I've talked about this probably from the time I first got involved in the local community...that's because this is one of those essential fantasies for me.
*Cathartic beating...Another one of those things Kim did...and I'm finding that I am in desperate need of something like this; unfortunately, I suspect part of the reason this is a hard one to get is because it is hard to give someone a cathartic beating...lots of intense energy and emotional pain that has been packed deep down is released. It's also really hard to know if you've had enough or if you need more.
*Explore electricity beyond the violet wand...Don't get me wrong, I love the violet wand... I just want to explore some more! Will all electricity make me laugh and bounce?
*Bondage...I need more bondage...the more intricate the better!
There are other things...some things I won't mention because my mind can barely get wrapped around the thought; some terrify me because I'm not willing to admit to anyone those things because they are extremely dark and not something I'll be ready--if ever-- to try. There are others that wait because even if I were ready to try certain things, others whom I would want to do them with aren't ready to even hear such thoughts....besides, there are so many wonderful things to explore that might be more palatable and definitely hot.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

The Other Long Lost Story

I admit it, I have a very odd relationship with food. Can't help it, I suppose. Maybe the Twinkies made me do it!

I have always loved Twinkies. There’s something about that mysterious fluffy cream filling that I find irresistible. As a kid I’d ride my bike to the neighborhood 7-11 and buy three packages of Twinkies for a buck if they were on sale or a package for sixty cents when they weren’t on sale. I want to set one thing straight right from the beginning: I’m not addicted to Twinkies; they’re addicted to me. Wherever I go, they follow me. I can go for months without eating a single Twinkie from the box hidden in the cupboard above the refrigerator.
Up until I was about twenty I never had any trouble with food, but then something weird started to happen. Every time I ate a Twinkie, I’d see something in the cream filling; not like a prize in a box of Cracker Jacks or someone’s toenail; it wasn’t like that at all. I’d see pictures of the future. Every time I bit into a Twinkie I felt like I was psychic.
It all started one day when I was watching the Showcase Showdown on The Price is Right one morning. I was eating a twin-pack of Twinkies while each showcase was revealed; the first was a very nice living room ensemble and a baby grand piano. Just before the contestant was about to place her bid, I casually looked at the Twinkie filling. You can’t imagine how stunned I was to see $19,400 written in the Twinkie filling. I felt inclined to keep that number in mind (the contestant bid an even $17,000). The other showcase was a cruise to Alaska and a Jeep Cherokee. Once again I looked into the Twinkie filling and there was the magic number, this time it was $48,600 (the contestant bid $35,000).
After the commercial break, Bob Barker announced that the actual prices of the showcases were $19,400 and $48,600, respectively. Of course, no one believed me when I told them I had guessed the exact price of each showcase.
I spent the next few nights eating Twinkies in front of the TV watching every race or sport on ESPN, every reality show and game show I could find. No matter what I watched, be it Jeopardy! Or a collegiate polo game, I had all the answers and picked the winner with absolute accuracy and confidence, as long as I was eating a Twinkie.
Once I was absolutely sure of myself and the psychic powers of the Twinkies, I went with a couple friends to Vegas. I figured that since I had this special gift of reading what the Twinkies were saying, that I should take advantage of it. When everyone else was eating prime rib before hitting the tables, I ate my Twinkies and took careful notes, my friends looked on incredulously. Let them laugh at me I thought to myself but told them, "wait and see."
To make a long story short, we came home with an extra $5000 each. Black Jack and Roulette were very kind to us. After a few more months of gambling and winning, I quit my job as an x-ray technician and began trading stocks over the Internet. As long as I ate Twinkies, everything went extremely well. I was living the high life and had everything I ever dreamed of having: a great house, a red Mercedes, a housekeeper and chef, a summer villa on the Mediterranean, and of course, a massive supply of Twinkies.
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end eventually. One day I woke up and I had no desire to eat my recommended daily allowance of Twinkies, i.e. twelve Twinkies. I decided that I could enjoy a day without Twinkies.
I spent the day basking next to my well-heated pool, eating seafood and sipping wine. That night I invited the very sexy girl next door over to spend the night. We were fuck buddies, if we were bored or horny or whatever we’d call each other up and get it on. For some reason, I had the sudden inclination to ask Cameron if we could make mad passionate love on a bed of Twinkies with several cans of whip cream at hand. Cameron acted as if I had completely lost my mind proposing something so—kinky. Cameron never returned my calls and pretended not to know me whenever we met after that.
The desire to make love on a bed of Twinkies with someone I really knew and liked became an obsession. Sure it would have been easy to convince a drunk one-nighter to do it, but to get someone you actually know makes creating the ideal Twinkie slumber party situation a little sticky.
I began to notice that even though I resumed eating my RDA of Twinkies the next day, that my skills with predicting the stock market had somewhat deteriorated. Was it possible that the Twinkies had felt snubbed by my one-day Twinkie fast and that they were angry with me? Of course, I figured that it had to be possible since they were able to predict the stock market, Vegas casino tables, and games. Up until that point, I had never considered that I had an actual relationship with Twinkies. It was time to have a heart-to-heart talk with the Twinkies and see where we stood.
"I’m sorry," I told a recently opened box of Twinkies, "I know I shouldn’t have taken a day off but—" Twinkie the Kid glared at me from the front of the box, "but, hey, even God took a day off." I tried to lighten up the frigid atmosphere created by the angry Twinkie aura.
"That’s no excuse! He took one lousy day off since the world began eons ago! We’ve been doing this for less than two years and now you want a day off!"
Unlike the average person, I wasn’t surprised when Twinkie the Kid started talking to me. I was feeling remorse for offending him. "What can I do to make it up to you?" I asked the glaring yellow figure in cowboy attire.
"Will you do anything?"
"Yes, of course. Just name it."
"Prove it by making mad, passionate love on a bed of Twinkies."
I immediately started going through my friends and acquaintances and after calling for three hours, finally found a friend who would satisfy my eccentric whim for a bribe of a mere thousand dollars. All I can say is that I hope I never have to do that again. Cream filling is difficult to clean out of your ears. I walked around half-deaf for the next three days because of the cream filling.
"Well done!" Twinkie the Kid exclaimed the next day.
Things went along more smoothly after that night. Twinkie the Kid and I would go cruising in the Mercedes or sit at a bar and watch the night-life. We went on a three-month cruise through Greece and Turkey. We settled for a while on Capri.
One evening while we were watching the sun go down, Twinkie came out wearing a Roman toga and a laurel wreath. "I want to have an orgy that would make the Emperor Caligula jealous." He announced, showing off the fine craftsmanship of his toga.
I didn’t know much about Roman emperors, but any emperor that had a Playboy movie made about him couldn’t have been much of a ruler.
"The only difference will be that we will carpet the floor with Twinkies."
What I was envisioning when Twinkie the Kid said those words wasn’t very attractive. I remembered how messy the bed of Twinkies had been, now I was forced to envision an entire floor of squished and destroyed Twinkies; besides, how long would it take me to clean the cream filling out of my ears after a Twinkie orgy? I might even need surgery to clean out my ears. "No, Twinkie, I won’t do it.
"Yes you will," he glowered, his voice raising.
"I refuse to have an orgy on a floor covered with Twinkies!"
He threw off the laurel crown and toga, storming out of the room he screamed, "You’ll be sorry! You’ll wish you had never eaten a Twinkie!"
I ran out after Twinkie the Kid, but he was nowhere to be found. I asked the few people in the hall if they had seen a naked Twinkie running around. They all looked at me as if it were an unusual question and shook their heads.
I decided that I needed a drink so I went to the hotel bar. Standing on a table near the piano singing was Twinkie the Kid, still completely naked. "No Twinkie likes me. Every Twinkie hates me, guess I’ll eat them all! Big golden creamy ones, mashed in the box ones—" he sang at the top of his lungs before I interrupted his song.
"What are you doing?" I asked him, ignoring the people who stared at us from their seats, enjoying their drinks and watching our drama.
"Are you going to have the Twinkie orgy with me?" he asked hopefully, threateningly.
"For the last time, no. I will not have a Twinkie orgy with you or anyone else!"
Twinkie was livid. "I told you I’d make you sorry!" he yelled, "Here goes!" he pulled out a large cellophane Twinkie bag from behind his back and put it over his head.
"Don’t do it, Twink!" I yelled. He grinned maliciously. He started huffing and puffing and blowing up the bag his head was in. Somehow, he reminded me of a jaundiced astronaut. Before I could figure out what he was doing, Twinkie the Kid had already clapped his hands as hard as he could against the cellophane bag. POP! No one was enjoying their drinks at this point. Cream and sponge cake exploded everywhere. The couple sitting at the nearest table had to be rushed to the nearest hospital because they nearly suffocated from the amount of cream filling that had exploded on to them.
Strangely enough, nobody asked me any questions about the Twinkie disaster. I thought it best to leave Capri as soon as possible. I packed in a hurry and was on the next plane off the island four hours after the horrible catastrophe.
No inspector has ever called for me since that time. I am not considered a fugitive in any foreign country. No one has even taken any interest in the fact that I murdered Twinkie the Kid; not even the Hostess Company. I spend my days by my pool eating and drinking Twinkies, and yes, sleeping on a bed of Twinkies every night as penance for my crime. Someday I hope that Twinkie the Kid, wherever he is, will forgive me. I’ll never turn down the opportunity of having a Twinkie orgy again.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Beckham nativity outrages churches PT 2

I really don't know why there's so much outrage. Back in the Renaissance and the Middle Ages rich people paid for this to be done. There are plenty of pictures in museums in which the main Biblical characters are the portraits of rich patrons. I believe Catherine d'Medici has been portrayed as the Virgin Mary; I suspect that most of the famous works of art depicting the Holy Family are portraits of rich, egotistical, non-pious individuals. It's kind of ironic when you think about it. A rather poor family traveling gives birth to a kid in a stable and for generations thereafter the scene is mimicked by wealthy people for whatever reason. Did these people who posed for such paintings think that by holding still for hours on end really compared to the work of the truly devout who did the back-breaking work of building cathedrals or were punished as heretics because they stood up for the values of Christ instead of the values of the church and the wealthy?
The artists of these paintings surely saw the irony of their paintings; no artist could amass the wealth that their patrons owned. It must have been glaringly obvious that the wealthy were trying to buy their way to heaven via flattery. I wonder if one can detect a note of sarcasm painted into these paintings if one looks at the details? I know that I would've painted something sarcastic into such a painting; perhaps a look of wisdom in the face of the infant Jesus? Such a look could be regarded as an indicator of what he was to become; or, it could just as easily be discerned as a look of being aware that the wealthy were trying to bribe their way into heaven and even a poor painter could see through the supposed piety.
Anyhow, back to the article. I think Madame Tussaud's wax museum is making an important statement. In this day and age the athletes and entertainers take center stage. Teachers, spiritual leaders, the values of integrity and virtue all take a back seat to entertainment. Why then, should people be outraged to see a reflection of what has become the main purpose of keeping holidays? Holidays in the secular world exist because they are good for the economy. The people in this year's wax nativity are people in the world's circus who bring in a lot of cash year 'round. Why not pay tribute to them? We do it the rest of the year anyways.
I also think that having Shrub and Blair as two of the three wisemen says a lot. Our politicians are misguided, greedy, and wealthy. How apropos that men who are able to convince their masses to put them into the most important offices in the country should be the wise men...if these are our countries' wise men, what is that saying about how misguided our people are? I could continue this thread, but it's kind of depressing me to think about the state of the world right now. Somehow, I long to be alone in a monastary, tracing ancient steps and contemplating what Christmas meant long ago when people worshipped gods instead of their entertainers.

Beckham nativity outrages churches PT 1

Beckham nativity outrages churches 09 December 2004
LONDON: Church leaders have condemned a Christmas nativity tableau depicting soccer star David Beckham as Joseph and his pop singer wife Victoria as the Virgin Mary.
Tony Blair and U.S. President George W. Bush also starred as two of The Three Wise Men at the birth of Christ.
Anglicans, Catholics and Presbyterians united in calling the exhibit – at Madame Tussaud's waxwork museum in London – a new low in the cult of celebrity worship.
In the tableau, Australian pop star Kylie Minogue also hovers above the crib as an angel, while "Posh Spice" Victoria lays her shawled head tenderly on Beckham's shoulder.
The shepherds are played by Hollywood star Samuel L. Jackson, actor Hugh Grant and camp Irish comic Graham Norton.
The Vatican was not amused.
"This is worse than bad taste. It is cheap," an official Vatican source told Reuters in Rome. "You cannot use contemporary personalities as the central figures of the nativity ... And it becomes worse, if that were possible, if the people may be of questionable moral standing," he added.
He said it was sometimes acceptable to use modern figures in the supporting roles because it can help make Christmas contemporary – but not the central characters.
In Naples, for example, famous figures like Argentine soccer star Diego Maradona have been depicted as shepherds.
A spokesman for Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, spiritual leader of 70 million Anglicans worldwide, reacted with weary resignation to the "Posh and Becks" tableau.
"There is a tradition of each generation trying to re-interpret the nativity but, Oh Dear..," he said.
Paul Handley, editor of the Anglican Church Times, thought the tableau was "just pathetic."
"It is yet another sign that people feel they can play around with sacred things," he told Reuters. "God is not going to worry. He is going to cope – but it is a bit depressing."
The Reverend Rod Thomas, spokesman for the conservative evangelical grouping Reform, told Reuters, the scene was a case of exploiting Christian symbols without any understanding.
"Would they do the same thing for a depiction of a major event in the Muslim faith?" he asked.
The Presbyterian Church was also forthright: "The waxwork will cause offence to many and should be pulled down."
The Beckhams were unaware of the museum's plans to depict them in a nativity, a spokesman for the couple told Reuters.
Madame Tussaud's apologised for any offence caused, but insisted the tableau was intended as a tongue-in-cheek way of bringing the nativity to a wider audience.
"We are not suggesting for one minute these celebrities actually represent the biblical characters themselves and we are sorry if it has been misconstrued as such," a statement said.
A spokeswoman added the scene would remain unchanged until January 3 due to a largely positive response from the public since its opening on Monday. "Yes, we have had criticism, but the vast majority are taking it in the spirit intended. They love it."
– Additional reporting by Philip Pullella in Rome and Andrew Cawthorne in London

Monday, December 06, 2004

Musings on Independence Day

December 5, 2000 was a cold night. I remember my mom just came home from one of her many stays in the hospital that morning. It had been a nasty bout; she had some psychotic delusions, but somehow a change in medication seemed to do the trick. She was back at home with her terrible temper. I remember she was trying to tell me that the bills needed to be paid although I had already paid the month’s bills a couple days before. I was getting clothes out of the dryer and my mom was sitting in the kitchen scowling and griping; she accused me of taking her medication, social security check, and various other items; she accused me of becoming a devil-worshipper along with Kim. I was frustrated by her accusations. These weren’t new accusations, but I was growing tired of them. The policy Kim had advised me to take with my mom was to ignore her as much as possible and stay calm. If she was confrontational, leave or go into my bedroom. For months I had been following His advice and it worked rather well. Often, when my mom would be getting really confrontational, we would have already been planning out our monthly rendezvous. For instance, back in August my mom had told me to leave and never come back…on the very day I was going to meet Kim and we were going to explore the Pacific Northwest for a month. Her timing was impeccable.
In October I was planning on leaving; in fact, I had a place all picked out. Unfortunately, the situation didn’t turn out the way the people said it would be (I’d have to be a nanny/friend for the lady and pay $400 rent for basically a studio apartment sans privacy). But my mom seemed to have a change of heart and I stuck around. Not this time. When she said to leave, I left. I had three changes of clothes and a pair of shoes and the necessary toiletries. I didn’t look back. I didn’t hear her telling me good riddance or whatever she was telling me. It was around 8 PM and I took the Night Ride #43 into downtown Salt Lake.
As I stepped off the bus across from KSL, I felt a major weight being lifted. For the first time in my life I was free and on my own. At the same time, I was terrified. I was homeless. I had a sum of money in my bank account; my uncle had given me some money out of my mom’s trust fund to take care of bills and the things I needed while she was in the hospital. Thankfully, payday was also coming up.
That first night, I went to the nearest hotel, the Howard Johnson and paid forty bucks for the room. I called Kim and told Him what had happened. He didn’t say much and I couldn’t read into his silence because I was so overwhelmed at what I had done. I think He was happy I finally stood up to my mom. Kim was sick in December. He had been sick in November as well. We were assuming that it was pneumonia. It wasn’t until the last day of January that we found out it was far, far worse than pneumonia.
The next morning I woke up and went up to the U where I worked. I had a very, very sympathetic boss and co-workers who would bend over backwards for me. They were concerned (S. even offered to let me camp out on the couch if I could stand his kids and wife) but ecstatic that I had left…after telling me for four years I shouldn’t be taking my mom’s crap.
I looked through the Trib and Chrony for apartments. I figured I had enough for a down and if I was really careful with my money, I could swing $400 in rent. Four days later I was in my first apartment. It was a filthy cockroach-ridden hole, but it was mine. I am so grateful that the managers worked with me and cared enough to let me have a spot in that apartment. Rent was $375 for a decent sized one bedroom. There was a mattress and boxspring and a table and chair. I figured I could deal with my roommates the cockroaches. As soon as I officially moved in, I took the bus down to Savers to find a few necessities: a pot, a pan, plate, bowl, glass, utensils, pillow, blanket, and couple shirts and pants. That’s a lot to lug around on a cold December evening. I suppose that was December 8, 2000.
I remember being bitter that on this cold evening when the Temple lights were brightly shining and I was walking past them struggling with my two bulky bags that were falling apart, that not a single one of the supposedly “good Christians” asked if I needed any assistance in the five blocks from West Temple to my apartment on South Temple; even when I was right in front of the Temple. If I had needed any examples of the Utah Holier Than Thou attitude that night, I would’ve had them in abundance. Thankfully, those days are past. Every single item I struggled with helped me through one of the saddest times in my life. The blanket I bought for five dollars didn’t look like much; it was a patched up, ragged homemade comforter, but it kept me extremely warm during that cold winter. I still have it because I really want to find someone who needs the protection this blanket can offer to one in need.
I was in my apartment for a week before it was time for the desperately needed Christmas vacation with Kim. We spent the holiday in Morro Bay; we both fell in love with the area. In the evenings we would walk to the Embarcadero across the street and watch the sunset. We would drive to Morro Rock and watch the crashing waves. Kim would tell me to go out and walk by the ocean and think about what was happening. I spent hours in solitude writing and watching the waves and sea otters.
We tried to play a couple times, but Kim was really sick. He wanted to flog me…that lasted maybe ten minutes before He was too exhausted. At another point, we tried to do an enema scene, but He got impatient because I was having a hard time keeping the water from leaking out when it was going in. After assessing the situation, Kim told me that until He was better and had more patience, we couldn’t play anymore because it wasn’t fair to either of us. That was our last play session.
For Christmas Kim gave me $500. He said, “It isn’t romantic, but it’s practical and what you need, girl.” He was right, but I still would’ve liked a dozen roses more. Kim was rarely wrong. I got Him a coffee mug warmer. He loved it, unfortunately, He wouldn’t be able to use it much longer. In another month He gave up coffee in the hopes it might stave off the cancer and help Him breathe better.
Coffee was our ritual…the ritual that I miss perhaps more than anything else. Sometimes I think of buying His coffee and brewing it just so I can have that smell to remember Him by. Nothing ever got in the way of coffee. When that part of our relationship ended, I started to mourn. Among the myriad of tests they took to find out what Kim had, was an HIV test. Actually, two. One turned up positive. After that, the closest sexual contact Kim would permit was a hug. The week after His wake I took an HIV test and it was negative, much to my relief…although to this day I think that the positive on Kim’s test was a mistake, probably because the cancer had screwed up so many things already.
Because so many things happened at this time of year (Kim’s birthday is December 28), and perhaps because it is nearing the year’s end, I find myself becoming increasingly introspective. Some of the questions I ask are: Have I done any good this year? Am I changing for the better? Am I striving to Live or am I taking my life for granted? What do I need to do to be more Alive?
Being Alive is one of the most important things to me. Kim taught me the basics of life….all the way from being born and embracing life, to embracing the lesser understood part of life, death. Alive is something I feel compelled to capitalize because it’s such an important word. Too many of us forget that being alive is just breathing and getting through day to day. It’s a vague verisimilitude of being Alive, which is more of a carpe diem, live passionately sort of thing. For me, bouncing and being Alive have very similar meanings.
In closing, I just want to say how grateful I am for all the wonderful people who have helped reinforce Kim’s lessons and remind me how precious and wonderful being Alive is. Craig is a constant reminder to me that I have to be his example in striving to Live. Whenever he says how alive he feels, I have to ask myself how Alive do I feel. I see examples of being Alive in each and every one of my friends and I try to learn to follow the examples they set. I am so fortunate to be surrounded by so many people who want to live their lives to the fullest.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

A long lost story

No, this story isn't kinky, but it is funny. I've been looking for it for years and assumed it got destroyed by my mom during one of her psychotic fits. This story is a fine example of writing as a form of masturbation; I wrote it for no other reason than to pleasure myself and to have fun. Enjoy the laugh!

Who Killed Chef Boyardee?
By: Laurie Richards

Colby and Monterey were taking their time making their nightly rounds. There was no need for them to hurry; it was quiet and everyone was minding their own business.
At 1:32 AM the silence was broken by a horrible scream followed by a crash. Colby and Monterey broke into a run, searching the aisles. Aisle seven, the canned food aisle, was in utter disarray. The Campbells, Hormels, and Dinty Moores were crowding around in a circle, clearly surrounding the crime scene. Others from nearby aisles were increasing the crowd by the moment.
The Campbell soup kids were bleary-eyed, crying and trying to comfort one another. Dinty Moore and Hormel were looking on in silence. Usually they were the troublemakers, arguing over whose chili was the best; but here they were, neighbors putting aside their differences.
Tomato sauce was everywhere. The insides of Chef Boyardee were oozing from the cans of Beef Ravioli and Spaghettios. Monterey immediately called 409, but he knew it was too late for everyone’s favorite chef.
“Were there any witnesses?” Colby asked.
“We were partying at our place,” the Campbell’s tomato soup kid said, “we came out when we heard the screaming.”
Dinty Moore had been at the Campbell kids’ party and Hormel told Colby and Monterey that he had been awakened by Chef Boyardee’s mortal screams.
Colby and Monterey broke up the crowd and began to search for clues. There was a trace of flour in Chef Boyardee’s place on the shelf, rather unusual considering baking products were six aisles away from the crime scene. Colby and Monterey took a sample of the flour and after searching and not finding any other clues, they returned to their office to decide on a course of action.
Colby and Monterey were trying to figure out who would want to see Chef Boyardee wiped off the face of the store shelves when they heard a timid knock on their door. “Come in,” they called. Cup O’ Noodle entered and took the seat that was offered to her.
“What can we do for you, Ma’am?” Monterey asked.
“I think I know something about Chef Boyardee’s murder,” she said in her quiet Irish accent. “I didn’t see anything,” she admitted, “it’s just that—well, there were things going on in the Chef Boyardee section; he was always leaving and he seemed happier than usual, at least from across the aisle where I live.”
“Any idea where he went, Ms. O’Noodle?” Colby asked.
“Well, I couldn’t see where he was going, but he always made a left turn at the end of the aisle.”
“One more question, Ms. O’Noodle,” he continued, examining his notes, “did Chef Boyardee have more visitors than usual?”
Cup O’Noodle was silent, choosing her words carefully. “Chef Boyardee has always been popular; he’s never had any enemies. I guess when I think about it, yes. Perhaps there were more visitors than usual, but I never thought any of them would do this!” her composure broke and she began to weep loudly.
“We know this is hard for you, Ms. O’Noodle, but any names you can give us would be of great help in solving this case.” Monterey tried to sooth her.
She hesitated but finally said, “Mrs. Smith, I’ve seen Louis Rich and Betty Crocker, too. There was someone else, but I didn’t recognize the packaging.”
“You’ve been a huge help to us, Ms. O’Noodle.”
“I hope you find out who did this,” she said as she was getting ready to leave, “no food is safe until the criminal is found and brought to justice!”
“Mrs. Smith, may I have a word with you?” Colby asked.
Mrs. Smith opened the freezer door and welcomed her guest inside. “What can I do for you?” She asked, smiling a generous grandmotherly smile.
“Have you heard about Chef Boyardee?”
“Has something happened to him that I should be aware of?”
“He’s dead, Ma’am.”
Mrs. Smith looked like she wanted to topple over and faint. “Dead? How can that be?”
“That’s what I’m trying to find out, Ma’am. Can you tell me anything that might help?”
“He was such a sweet fellow! I can’t imagine who would do such a vile, cruel thing!”
“Ma’am, why did you start visiting him? It’s a rather warm client for you.”
“Well, it’s really quite innocent,” she explained without batting an eye, “He liked my cream pies and I liked his meatballs and ravioli. We developed a close friendship and we meet—I mean, met, to exchange food.”
“I see,” Colby nodded, although he wasn’t sure he really understood, “did he ever tell you anything about trouble with a neighbor or anyone else?”
“Never. All we talked about was pie and pasta. The only thing that bothered him was what his new pasta shapes should be.”
Monterey went down aisle seven. Things had quieted down somewhat; the cans had returned to their places; the Campbell kids were passed out on their shelves, after drinking themselves into a stupor so they wouldn’t think of what they saw, and everyone else was speaking quietly to their neighbors or had gone to sleep.
He turned left at the end cap where he met a display of Ritz crackers. “Are you looking for something, my dear man?” a snooty, deep voice addressed Monterey.
“Have you heard about Chef Boyardee?”
“Now that you mention it, I believe we did hear a bit of a raucous earlier tonight.”
“Can you tell me where Chef Boyardee occasionally went when he left this aisle?”
“We’re terribly sorry, sir, but we only moved to this locale this afternoon and we are unable to tell you what the habits of the locals are.”
“Do you know who resided here previously?”
“We believe the Doritos were the previous residents.”
Monterey went to aisle four where the Doritos were comfortably resting, surrounded by bags filled with similar contents and plenty of dip.
“Ola,” the Doritos greeted Monterey.
“Uh—hello,” he replied, “Did you just move from the display at the end of aisle seven?”
“Si, Senor.”
“Do you know where Chef Boyardee went when he left his aisle?”
“He goes often to aisle two, Senor. Has he done something wrong?”
“He was killed.”
Aisle two was the pasta and bread aisle. Monterey went from section to section asking the residents what they knew about Chef Boyardee.
“He came around here to talk about the business,” Kraft told him, “you know how important the business is to us pastas—dried or otherwise.”
“Lately he hasn’t been stopping by for a visit,” American Beauty pouted, her manicotti cracking ever so slightly, “We’re just a thoroughfare for getting to the refrigerator section!”
Monterey headed over to the refrigeration section where he met Colby who was greeting Louis Rich.
“The Hidden Valley Ranch Dips pointed me in this direction,” he told Colby.
“Something’s just not right about this,” Colby shook his head, “I mean, what is a can doing over here? It’s way out of his territory.”
“Hopefully we’re about to find out.”
Louis Rich turned out to be useless. “All we did is talk about his meatballs. I’ve never seen anyone get so excited about their meatballs in my life.”
A curdling scream interrupted their questioning of Louis Rich. From where they stood in the refrigerated aisle one they could see what was happening. “Call 409!” Colby shouted at Louis Rich as he ran right behind Monterey further down the aisle.
A floury substance was everywhere. Betty Crocker was lying wounded in the middle of the aisle, her contents scattered out of her box. She was showing very few signs of life. The Pillsbury Doughboy wasn’t even trying to hide his popgun. “I’m poppin’ mad now!” He was screaming at the top of his lungs, “The Chef and you knew it all along! You knew what you were doing to me!”
Doughboy looked up and realized that he had been caught in the act. “Stop! Don’t move or I’ll shoot!” he lifted the gun to his flour white chef’s hat.
“Easy now,” Colby whispered to his partner.
“Yeah, we don’t want it any messier than it already is.” Monterey agreed.
“What did they do to you, Doughboy?” Monterey asked, slowly approaching the perpetrator.
“Nothin! That’s just it. They were always havin’ a great time. I mean, I have more to offer him than old Betty Crocker—just have a look at my breadsticks! They’re long and flaky and just poppin’ fresh! My cookies and rolls are hot and fresh. All Betty Crocker could give him was her stupid cakes and brownies!
“Then I heard he wanted to get to know Quaker Oats better…even though that old man has had a thing with Aunt Jemima for like a hundred years! There was no need for him to look any further than me!
“I’m better than any of them! Now he’s sorry he didn’t take my proposals seriously! They’re all sorry they didn’t take me seriously! I had to do this so they’d see I’m not some kid with a cute tummy and innocent smile! Now everyone will listen to me!” he laughed madly.
A crowd was beginning to form. 409 arrived on the scene with Mr. Clean who came along because it had been a busy night for 409. Mr. Clean assessed the situation and immediately knew what they needed to do to stop the Doughboy’s mad rampage. Monterey and Colby had worked with Clean before. All they had to do was keep the Doughboy talking for a few more seconds.
“Why did you want the chef anyways,” Monterey queried, “There are boys closer to your age and location who would’ve been interested,”
“Like Hamburger Helper or Ben and Jerry if you wanted a threesome,” Colby added.
“There was just something about his Spaghettios and meatballs. I loved his meatballs,” Pillsbury Doughboy sighed.
Mr. Clean took the Pillsbury Doughboy by complete surprise, wrestling the popgun away with one hand while arresting the culprit with the other.
“Thanks for the helping hand,” Monterey said as they started hauling the Pillsbury Doughboy away.
Mr. Clean grinned and replied, “Anything to keep the aisles clean and safe for everyone.”